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WHATFacilitates, trains and mentors elderly nursing care homes in transforming their atmosphere and culture into a person centered one with elements of a real home rather than an institution.
WHYTo help elder nursing care homes become person-centered and improve the old model of nursing homes.
WHEREThe Eden Alternative.
Dr. William Thomas - Founder.
United States, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan, Canada, South Africa.

Program Description

"I want the people to be confused when they walk through the door. What kind of place is this? I mean, there's kids running around and playing and there's dogs and there's cats and there's birds, and there's gardens and plants and ... I want them to be confused. This can't be a nursing home. Right. It's an alternative to the nursing home."
-Dr. William (Bill) Thomas, The Eden Alternative.

A main focus of the Eden Alternative Program is to improve nursing care for elderly, caregivers and nursing facilities. The idea is to move to a more person centered care, bring decision making back to seniors and therefore purpose and meaning so that elderly may have a voice in their daily routine and lives. This is accomplished by transforming the "dying" atmosphere of nursing homes to a "living" atmosphere that hosts gardens, animals, and children, along with elder involvement in their own care, choice, empowerment and activities that provide mind stimulation.

By providing something as simple as a plant to an elderly person, they are instantly given a responsibility. Although it may appear to be a small thing, it makes a huge difference as it may be the only thing that they have control over in their life.

The Eden Alternative Program seeks to eliminate senior depression, loneliness, helplessness, and boredom and abides by the "10 Eden Alternative Ten Principles," which are based on an elder-centered community.

The Eden Alternative Program can be found at:

Eden Registered Nursing Homes
who value resident centered care- Nursing homes can begin to become “Eden Certified” by attending the “Certified Eden Associate Training” Program a three day training focused on person-directed care and resources for nursing care facility leaders to improve nursing care, adopting the “Eden Alternative Philosophy” and eventually joining the “Eden Registry.” Mentors, educators and volunteers guide and help nursing homes grow into "Eden Registered" Homes.

Eden at Home
- a program which aims to improve the quality of life and independence for elders living at home with caregiver support by teaching the "10 Eden Alternative Ten Principles," to empowerment.

The Eden Alternative is one answer to how to implement more person centered care and improve nursing homes. "Eden Certified" nursing homes operate in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan, Canada, South Africa.




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