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WHAT Coordinated senior arts, senior theater and education programs held at Ebenezer senior housing and nursing care facilities.
WHYTo encourage life-long learning, growth, creativity and health and wellness for seniors citizens while in long-term or residential care.
WHEREEbenezer Foundation. Minneapolis, MN, USA.

Program Description

"Learning and growing helps everyone at every stage of life, and for seniors, the benefits are endless. Research has shown that with opportunities for self expression and discovery, seniors experience vibrant living, artistic growth as well as improved mental and physical health. Life Long Learning helps our residents stay connected to their world both locally and beyond."

The goal of the "Ebenezer Life Long Learning" Program is to have senior residents in nursing homes continue to actively use their minds, engage in brain fitness, and stay connected to the world of education.

By having seniors engaged in nursing home activities, long-term care facilities are helping to promote senior independence, health and well-being, and active participation in seniors' own lives.

Ebenezer offers numerous opportunities for Life Long Learning, including senior arts, senior theater and other areas such as:

-Music for Life which involves seniors in singing, playing instruments, and music composition. (Intergenerational music classes with children are also available)
-Creative writing including memoir writing, poetry and public readings.
-Visual arts
-Dance Theatre
-Continuing Education
-Lectures on a wide variety of topics
-Spiritual Exploration
-Horticultural Therapy Program engaging seniors in planting and tending gardens, outings
(*This program also received the Aging Services of Minnesota “Most Innovative Program of the Year” award.)

"Ebenezer," translates to "stone of help." The organization was founded by Minneapolis Lutherans to provide community-centered care for homeless older adults and others in need.

Today Ebenezer's programs and services include:

-Independent Living (including condominiums, cooperatives and senior apartments)
-Assisted Living
-Memory Care
-Transitional and Long-term Care
-Adult and Intergenerational Day Programs
-Community-based Services
-Management and Consulting Services
-The Ebenezer Foundation

Senior Theater and Senior Art Activities Programs
Nursing Home Activities

Find out more about the “Ebenezer Life Long Learning” Program

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