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WHAT A newspaper subscription custom made for nursing homes or care homes which features past news, brain games for mind fitness such as puzzles, quizzes, stimulating questions and gossip and entertainment all to stimulate seniors' memory.
WHYTo provide stimulation and reminiscence for seniors. An easy and effective way for nursing care homes to implement more person-centered reminiscence activities.
WHEREDaily Sparkle Ltd.
Ashburton, Devon, United Kingdom. UK.

Program Description

"As an activities coordinator it's my job to raise all funds, (I have no money in a pot!) yet my residents look forward to it every day, they say it's nice to know someone out there talks about history as they remember it and relatives feel that they have something to help them chat about. Since having the Daily Sparkle one of our residents have started reading after years of not being bothered!
He said he didn't want to be left out (because) everyone was talking about it!
It's a great social magnet!"

Lorraine Carter, Ferendune

The "Daily Sparkle" is a care home newsletter template that can be customized. The name of the skilled nursing facility or care home is custom printed on the front of the newspaper and content can also be customized to senior residents.

Care homes can subscribe to the newspaper can be either daily or weekly and the editions are an easy and effective way for nursing care facilities to implement more person-centered reminiscence activities.

The "Daily/Weekly Sparkle" focuses on including "old news" listings to encourage reminiscence, brain games for mind fitness such as puzzles, quizzes, stimulating questions etc, and gossip and entertainment.

Each "Daily Sparkle" edition comes with a carers' notes section that gives background information on topics and appropriate questions for discussion. Care home staff can engage senior residents with a quick read of the notes.

"Daily Sparkle" editions can be used to:

-Create group reminiscence sessions
-Engage seniors with early to mid stage dementia
-Start discussions during family member visits to care homes
-Read as a personal newspaper by senior residents
-Engage unresponsive senior residents
-Create resident centered activities for care homes


Nursing Home Activities

Find out more about the "Daily Sparkle Reminiscence Newspaper" Program
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