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WHATVolunteers take nursing home residents out for bike rides on a three wheeled trishaw.
WHYAssisted cycling allows elderly with limited mobility to have the experience of riding and enjoy the outdoors.
WHERECycling Without Age.
Founder - Ole Kassow. International.

Program Description

“… more than 2,700 chapter locations around the world offer Cycling Without Age from well over 3,700 trishaws – and the numbers are still growing. More than 35,000 trained pilots ensure that the elderly get out of their nursing homes, out on the bikes to enjoy the fresh air and the community around them.”

“Slowness allows you to sense the environment, be present in the moment and it allows people you meet along the way to be curious and gain knowledge about Cycling Without Age because you make time to stop and talk.”

Cycling Without Age chapters and affiliates have started up around the world with the intent of fighting loneliness and social isolation in older adults.

The motion of riding on a three wheeled trishaw can provide elderly with therapeutic exercise.

Cycling Without Age fosters intergenerational relationships between elderly, nursing home staff, and volunteers.

Aging Programs
Elderly Nursing
Nursing Home Activities




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