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WHAT Long-term care facilities, nursing homes and senior residential living communities are offered a user friendly, online interface to connect to the internet providing stimulating person centered activities such as email, video chat, senior arts and much more.
WHYTo offer seniors who may not be as mobile with a new way of connecting to the world and people around them. 

To offer a higher quality of life for seniors in assisted living and residential communities which ultimately assists the staff and the community as a whole.
WHEREConnected Living
Quincy, MA, USA.
Offered in certain states across the USA.

Program Description

"Connected Living is...transforming the experience of aging and connecting families across generations by combining simplified technology with high-touch personal support. We offer the latest in state-of-the-art technology, and provide training and support to both residents and staff. Connected Living has been implemented by some of the most recognized thought leaders in the senior living industry as well as many of this country's top Housing Authorities. Our unique approach to technology has been adopted in over 24 states by both private senior living and public housing authorities across the nation."

By using technology seniors living in long-term care settings, assisted living and other senior housing communities can expand the activities available to them. Seniors can receive enormous benefits from knowing how to communicate with grandchildren and family through email, video chat, share photos, calendars, write stories, access information, news, and play mind fitness games.

The program offers training programs to senior residential community staff and senior residents in the form of a set curriculum of 'Senior Arts and Entertainment,' 'Your Empowered Life,' 'Brain Health,' 'Holidays,' 'Special Events' and more.

"Connected Living" assists with the set up of computer equipment and all times and a help center is available to call if seniors or staff need assistance with the program.

"Connected Living’s" advanced computer lessons, job training, education, and wellness programs can help elderly maintain an active and independent lifestyle through technology.

The goal of the program is to teach nursing home staff and seniors the technology they need to expand available nursing home activities and to bridge the digital divide for seniors.

Nursing Home Activities




Find out more about the "Connected Living Training" Program

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