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WHATGuide on how to design and implement art activities for care homes.
WHYTo provide step by step guides, training and toolkits for generating art ideas and activities for older adults in nursing homes.
WHEREArts in Care Homes.
NAPA funded by The Baring Foundation and The Rayne Foundation.
United Kingdom.

Program Description

“This website is intended as resource for anyone interested in setting up or running arts activities in care homes. It contains a wealth of information on arts activities in care homes, divided into different categories, grouped by art form or by the type of resource eg publication, website etc.”

"I would like to write poetry in groups.”
“I like painting with the children - it would be nice to see them more.”
“I would love to learn how to play the piano."

source: Resident Surveys from ‘Arts and Culture in Every Care Home.

Arts in Care Homes provides toolkits and information on the various art forms, research related to art and older adults, and funding applications and training opportunities.

Arts in Care Homes gives step by step how to guides and information on the following areas:

  • Visual Arts
  • Creative Writing
  • Dance and Drama
  • Music
  • Digital Arts
  • Dementia and Art
  • Intergenerational Arts

The organization’s publication ‘Arts and Culture in Every Care Home’ is a guide exploring the question of what if care homes had creative and cultural opportunities for older adults on a daily basis?

Arts in Care Homes manages the following additional programs for older adults:

The National Day of Arts in Care Homes - an annual event held in September encouraging individuals and groups to set up a cultural activity or event for older adults in a care home.

Only Connect - a pen pal program for older adults. Artists, arts organizations, school children, families and individuals are asked to send letters, postcards, artwork, poems and more to care homes via email. Arts in Care Homes matches care homes with volunteer pen pals to help combat isolation and loneliness in older adults.

Aging Programs
Elderly Nursing
Nursing Home Activities
Senior Activities
Life-Long Learning




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