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WHAT A campaign in the United States to improve nursing homes by: promoting a culture change movement towards more person-centered care and providing set goals for nursing homes to achieve.
WHYThe focus of the program is on improving nursing homes by making a difference in the lives of both senior residents and nursing home support staff.
WHEREAdvancing Excellence in America's Nursing Homes. Available across the USA.

Program Description

"Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes - Making nursing homes better places to live, work and visit."

The “Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes Campaign” is lead by a number of groups who support the culture change movement in nursing home’s (moving toward more person-centered care) along with the promotion of education and training to improve elder nursing care home environments.

Leaders of the campaign include:

-Long-Term Care Providers
-Elder Care Advocates
-Long-Term Care Ombudsmen
-Geriatric Nurses
-Health Care Professionals
-Medical Directors
-Nursing Home Administrators
-Certified Nursing Assistants (CAN's)
-Other frontline support staff in nursing homes
-Government Agencies
-Private organizations

Nursing home training focuses on providing support to frontline nursing home staff and encouraging open and improved communication amongst seniors, senior’s families, and all nursing care staff.

The foundation of the “Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes Campaign” focuses on improving nursing homes by helping them to achieve eight goals:

Staff Turnover - Nursing homes will take steps to minimize staff turnover and maintain a stable workforce to care for elderly residents.
Consistent Assignment of CNA’s- The same caregiver should take care of the same senior resident to improve quality of care and quality of life.
Restraints - Elderly residents in nursing homes are independent to the best of their ability and should rarely experience daily physical restraints.
Pressure Ulcers - Elderly residents in nursing homes receive appropriate care to prevent and appropriately treat pressure ulcers when they develop.
Pain - Nursing home residents will receive appropriate care to prevent and minimize episodes of moderate or severe pain. Objectives for long stay and short stay are slightly different.
Advance Care Planning - Nursing home residents will have the opportunity to discuss their goals for care including preferences for advance care planning and should be recorded in their medical record and used in the development of their plan of care.
Resident/Family Satisfaction - Nursing home staff will assess resident and family experience of care and incorporate this information into their quality improvement activities.
Staff Satisfaction - Nursing home administrators will assess staff satisfaction with their work environment at least annually and upon separation and incorporate this information into their quality improvement activities.

The program website includes a variety of nursing home training videos, materials and webinars to help nursing homes improve and promote culture change.

The “Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes Campaign” aims to help elderly nursing care homes achieve excellence in quality of care and quality of life for seniors living in nursing homes in the United States. Other nursing home quality improvement initiatives in the United States include: Quality First, the Nursing Home Quality Initiative, the Culture Change movement, the Quality Improvement Organization.




Find out more about the “Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes Campaign" Program

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